Every week the writers of La Sportsa Nostra will get together and come up with our parody of the NFL power rankings. This page came about from us looking at some other NFL power rankings and laughing hysterically at what other sites have for NFL teams from 1-10. They are...
About: The Crew
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Week 6 NFL Picks Recap

Every week from week 5 on we will release the NFL Picks Recap. We tell you which writer picked the correct picks for that week, then we total up the records and show who did best, and who was Dunce of the week. Enjoy! Bears 27 vs. Giants 21...
Week 6 NFL Picks
Welcome to the La Sportsa Nostra weekly NFL picks page. Every week we will pick the winners of that upcoming weeks NFL games. No overs and unders, we aren’t doing any Vegas spread style things, we are just picking the winners, and why we think that team will pull out...
NFL Week 6 Thursday night picks.
Welcome to the La Sportsa Nostra weekly NFL picks page. Every week we will pick the winners of that upcoming week’s NFL games. We’ve added Adam “Cheech” Richichi to our Thursday and Sunday picks for all the sports bettors out there. The rest of the crew are just picking the...
Week 5 NFL Picks Recap
Every week from week 5 on we will release the NFL Picks Recap. We tell you which writer picked the correct picks for that week, then we total up the records and show who did best, and who was Dunce of the week. Enjoy! Browns 37 vs. Bills 24...
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